Emergency Procedures
To help ensure the safety and security of our school communities, HPEDSB has comprehensive procedures for to responding to emergency situations. These procedures include specific plans aimed a safeguarding students, staff, and others in the event of a crisis.
Every year, schools are required to review and revise their Emergency Response Plan. The two key aspects of this plan involving children are the Fire Response and Emergency Drill procedures. We must conduct three fire drills in both the fall and spring. These fire drills serve to remind our students of the safest and quickest ways to exit the school, and they allow us to review and revise our plans.
During the school year, we are mandated to practice two lockdown drills. These drills help prepare everyone in the school to respond to dangerous situations that could impact the safety and well-being of students and staff.
Please find below the three emergency drills we practice -
Lockdown is used as a response to a major incident or threat of school violence within the school or school area. Students and staff report to the closest classroom or secure location, classroom doors are locked, curtains and blinds are closed, lights.
Hold and Secure is used as a response to an ongoing situation outside the school that is not related to the school. External doors are locked and staff and students cannot leave the building but are able to move freely around the school.
Shelter and Place is used as a response to an external situation that may or may not be related to the school. Staff and students move freely within the school. The school is considered a safe haven where it is necessary to keep everyone inside to protect them from the external situation.